Thursday, 19 September 2013

Return To Normalcy, The Narconon Claim

Return to Normalcy, the Narconon Claim
Description: Narconon Fresh Start does not believe in getting rid of addiction with the help of medicine. It focuses to changes behavior of its clients by teaching them to correct the root causes of their inclination towards drugs.

The disturbing phenomenon of drug addiction and its repercussions on the society are increasing as the society is largely deteriorating due to the families affected by it. The presence of social media and civil society are truly helping to diffuse the situation but the drug addiction has become a matter of much severity and importance in many parts of the globe. It is also compounded by the fact that the general public thinks addiction to be a nearly incurable. The vital body organs like heart, lungs and liver are severely affected by the long consumption of the drugs and alcohol metabolites in body.

There are a number of drug addiction treatment programs with different ways and methodologies to deal with the issue. However, most of these programs do not show impressive results as they are largely based on small term methods of recovery and do not consider the human problems and will power as important to play a vital role in rehabilitating an individual from addiction. One excellent program in this regard is Narconon Fresh Start that is excellent in its philosophy of drug free withdrawal of lethal and harmful substances from the human body. Here are some of the various activities carried out in the program to free the patients from addiction.
1.    New Life Detoxification Program
The specially designed detoxification program performs wonders for the patients in removing the residuals and wasteful materials from their body organs. The human cells are thus freed from the drug and alcohol metabolites that may cause problems and stop a person from getting rid of the cravings. The new life detoxification program takes several weeks to complete. At the end of this program the patient is able to react better to the personal issues and problems at hand.
2.    Ups and Downs in Life Course
The ‘Ups and Downs in Life Course’ is an effective part of the Narconon Fresh Start program. The patients are effectively taught about social and antisocial personalities. The course is designed to educate the students about the destructive and constructive people in one’s life. After completing the course, the patients become better judges to evaluate and understand various complex scenarios in life. They learn to keep away from the people who are destructive in their lives and make friends with people who are actively improving their lives in some way or the other. It therefore makes them get to better places in life with good individuals and friends to accompany.
3.    Changing Conditions in Life Course
The ‘Changing Conditions in Life Course’ is an effective tool of the Narconon Fresh Start program that is really helpful in teaching and guiding the patients in life living ways. The formulas for leading a successful life are taught and the patients are taught to effectively remove the issues from their past life with destructive affects. The patients are hence enabled to manage their life conditions in a much better way and regain their standing in work, home and with family.

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